Module livemelee.utils
Group of functions returning helpful stats, mainly info from gamestates.
Two kinds of gamestate functions: conditions returning bools, and pretty printers returning strings.
Also included is a controller state wrapper: loggable_controller()
These would be nice additions to the libmelee package, but we make do with this patchy submodule.
>>> stat_output = utils.func(real_gamestate_obj)
>>> print( utils.loggable_controller(controller.current) )
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'''Group of functions returning helpful stats, mainly info from gamestates.
Two kinds of gamestate functions:
conditions returning bools, and
pretty printers returning strings.
Also included is a controller state wrapper: `loggable_controller()`.
These would be nice additions to the libmelee package,
but we make do with this patchy submodule.
>>> stat_output = utils.func(real_gamestate_obj)
>>> print( utils.loggable_controller(controller.current) )'''
from melee import ControllerState, Button, Menu, Action
### gamestate utils
### conditions
# todo: replace hard coded ports
def in_game(g):
return g.menu_state in (Menu.IN_GAME, Menu.SUDDEN_DEATH)
def not_taunting(gamestate):
return not gamestate.player[2].action in (Action.TAUNT_LEFT,
def grounded(gamestate):
return gamestate.player[2].on_ground
### pretty printing
def gamestate(g):
return 'Gamestate: {}'.format(g)
def frame_num(g):
return 'Frame num: {}'.format(g.frame)
def menu(g):
return 'Menu: {}'.format(g.menu_state)
def distance(g):
return 'Distance: {:4f}'.format(g.distance)
def percents(g):
return 'Percents: {}% {}%'.format(g.player[1].percent,
# def percents(g, my_port, other_port):
# return 'Percents: {}% {}%'.format(g.player[my_port].percent,
# g.player[other_port].percent)
def actions(g):
return 'Action states: {} {}'.format(g.player[1].action,
def stocks(g):
return 'Stocks: {} {}'.format(g.player[1].stock,
def get_controller(g, port):
return 'Controller: ' + str(loggable_controller(g.player[port].controller_state))
### controller wrapper
class _ComparableState(ControllerState):
'''Extending with comparisons and smaller debug output.'''
def __init__(self, existing):
# constructor copying a melee.ControllerState
self.button = {**existing.button} # deepcopy for dict
self.main_stick = existing.main_stick
self.c_stick = existing.c_stick
self.l_shoulder = existing.l_shoulder
self.r_shoulder = existing.r_shoulder
def active(self):
# returns set of buttons(+sticks) not in default position
# digitals
active = {btn for btn, pressed in self.button.items() if pressed}
# analogs
active.add((Button.BUTTON_MAIN, *self.main_stick))
active.add((Button.BUTTON_L, self.l_shoulder))
# if not self.main_stick == (.5, .5): # perhaps rare float comparison error? not important now
# active.add(Button.BUTTON_MAIN)
# if not self.c_stick == (.5, .5):
# active.add(Button.BUTTON_C)
# if not self.l_shoulder == 0:
# active.add(Button.BUTTON_L)
# if not self.r_shoulder == 0:
# active.add(Button.BUTTON_R)
return active
def __str__(self):
btns =
return ' '.join(str(b) for b in btns) if btns else 'neutral'
# return ' '.join('{}:{}'.format(btn,pressed) for btn,pressed in self.button.items())
def __eq__(self, other):
# any buttons in different state?
# should also compare stick positions (and then L/R amount) but oh well
if isinstance(other, _ComparableState):
return len(self - other) == 0
return False
def __sub__(self, other):
return -
def loggable_controller(controller_state):
'''Returns comparable controller state with smaller debug output.
>>> print( loggable_controller(controller.current) )
>>> print(( loggable_controller(controller.current) ==
>>> buttons(controller.prev) ))'''
return _ComparableState(controller_state)
def actions(g)
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def actions(g): return 'Action states: {} {}'.format(g.player[1].action, g.player[2].action)
def distance(g)
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def distance(g): return 'Distance: {:4f}'.format(g.distance)
def frame_num(g)
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def frame_num(g): return 'Frame num: {}'.format(g.frame)
def gamestate(g)
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def gamestate(g): return 'Gamestate: {}'.format(g)
def get_controller(g, port)
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def get_controller(g, port): return 'Controller: ' + str(loggable_controller(g.player[port].controller_state))
def grounded(gamestate)
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def grounded(gamestate): return gamestate.player[2].on_ground
def in_game(g)
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def in_game(g): return g.menu_state in (Menu.IN_GAME, Menu.SUDDEN_DEATH)
def loggable_controller(controller_state)
Returns comparable controller state with smaller debug output.
>>> print( loggable_controller(controller.current) ) >>> print(( loggable_controller(controller.current) == >>> buttons(controller.prev) ))
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def loggable_controller(controller_state): '''Returns comparable controller state with smaller debug output. >>> print( loggable_controller(controller.current) ) >>> print(( loggable_controller(controller.current) == >>> buttons(controller.prev) ))''' return _ComparableState(controller_state)
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def menu(g): return 'Menu: {}'.format(g.menu_state)
def not_taunting(gamestate)
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def not_taunting(gamestate): return not gamestate.player[2].action in (Action.TAUNT_LEFT, Action.TAUNT_RIGHT)
def percents(g)
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def percents(g): return 'Percents: {}% {}%'.format(g.player[1].percent, g.player[2].percent)
def stocks(g)
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def stocks(g): return 'Stocks: {} {}'.format(g.player[1].stock, g.player[2].stock)